{ "Medical Edu & Scholarship": [ { "Year": "2021", "INDICATORS": "Total Number of Residents", "Value": "903" }, { "Year": "2021", "INDICATORS": "Total Number of Fellows", "Value": "336" }, { "Year": "2021", "INDICATORS": "Fellowship Programs", "Value": "98" }, { "Year": "2021", "INDICATORS": "Graduated Fellows", "Value": "144" }, { "Year": "2021", "INDICATORS": "Graduated Residents", "Value": "156" }, { "Year": "2021", "INDICATORS": "Residency Programs", "Value": "65" }, { "Year": "2021", "INDICATORS": "MDs Approved Scholarship Applications during the Year (Abroad Scholarship)", "Value": "93" }, { "Year": "2021", "INDICATORS": "Bachelor’s Degree Approved Scholarship Applications during the Year (Abroad Scholarship)", "Value": "1" }, { "Year": "2021", "INDICATORS": "Master’s Degree Approved Scholarship Applications during the Year (Abroad Scholarship)", "Value": "11" }, { "Year": "2021", "INDICATORS": "Ph.D. Approved Scholarship Applications during the Year (Abroad Scholarship)", "Value": "4" }, { "Year": "2021", "INDICATORS": "Clinical Doctorate Approved Scholarship Applications during the Year (Abroad Scholarship)", "Value": "1" }, { "Year": "2021", "INDICATORS": "MDs On-Board Scholars (Abroad) ", "Value": "209" }, { "Year": "2021", "INDICATORS": "Bachelor’s Degree On-Board Scholars (Abroad) ", "Value": "5" }, { "Year": "2021", "INDICATORS": "Master’s Degree On-Board Scholars (Abroad) ", "Value": "16" }, { "Year": "2021", "INDICATORS": "Ph.D. On-Board Scholars (Abroad) ", "Value": "17" }, { "Year": "2021", "INDICATORS": "Clinical Doctorate On-Board Scholars (Abroad) ", "Value": "8" }, { "Year": "2021", "INDICATORS": "Post-Doctorate On-Board Scholars (Abroad) ", "Value": "3" }, { "Year": "2021", "INDICATORS": "MDs Scholarship Returnees during the year", "Value": "39" }, { "Year": "2021", "INDICATORS": "Bachelor’s Degree Scholarship Returnees during the year", "Value": "1" }, { "Year": "2021", "INDICATORS": "Master’s Degree Scholarship Returnees during the year", "Value": "9" }, { "Year": "2021", "INDICATORS": "Ph.D. Scholarship Returnees during the year", "Value": "5" }, { "Year": "2021", "INDICATORS": "Clinical Doctorate Scholarship Returnees during the year", "Value": "2" }, { "Year": "2021", "INDICATORS": "Bachelor’s Degree Approved Scholarship Applications during the year (In-Kingdom Scholarship)", "Value": "0" }, { "Year": "2021", "INDICATORS": "Master’s Degree Approved Scholarship Applications during the year (In-Kingdom Scholarship)", "Value": "8" }, { "Year": "2021", "INDICATORS": "Bachelor’s Degree On-Board Scholars (In-Kingdom) ", "Value": "0" }, { "Year": "2021", "INDICATORS": "Master’s Degree On-Board Scholars (In-Kingdom) ", "Value": "14" }, { "Year": "2021", "INDICATORS": "Bachelor’s Degree In-Kingdom Scholarship Returnees during the year", "Value": "1" }, { "Year": "2021", "INDICATORS": "Master’s Degree In-Kingdom Scholarship Returnees during the year", "Value": "4" }, { "Year": "2021", "INDICATORS": "MDs Total Employees on Abroad (Training Programs) ", "Value": "6" }, { "Year": "2021", "INDICATORS": "Non-physicians Total Employees on Abroad (Training Programs) ", "Value": "3" }, { "Year": "2021", "INDICATORS": "Non-physicians Total Employees (In-Kingdom Training)", "Value": "1" }, { "Year": "2021", "INDICATORS": "Training sessions in Simulation Center", "Value": "380" }, { "Year": "2021", "INDICATORS": "Participants in Simulation Center", "Value": "2,466" }, { "Year": "2021", "INDICATORS": "Training hours in Simulation Center", "Value": "1,406" }, { "Year": "2021", "INDICATORS": "Continuing medical education hours (by the Saudi Commission for Health Specialties)", "Value": "1935" }, { "Year": "2021", "INDICATORS": "CPR courses", "Value": "681" }, { "Year": "2021", "INDICATORS": "All Medical Students", "Value": "981" }, { "Year": "2021", "INDICATORS": "Number of graduators fellows and residents for corporate level", "Value": "300" }, { "Year": "2021", "INDICATORS": "internship students", "Value": "1564" }, { "Year": "2021", "INDICATORS": "Allied health programs", "Value": "14" }, { "Year": "2021", "INDICATORS": "Participants in Allied health programs", "Value": "338" }, { "Year": "2021", "INDICATORS": "graduators in Allied health programs ", "Value": "135" }, { "Year": "2021", "INDICATORS": "number of courses : skills improvements ", "Value": "111" }, { "Year": "2021", "INDICATORS": "Participants in courses : skills improvements ", "Value": "1504" }, { "Year": "2021", "INDICATORS": "Participants in Professional development programs ", "Value": "1069" } ] }